Work On Your Weakness
Strength/Skill: Toes To Bar WOD: 10 Minute AMRAP 9 Burpees To Plate 12 KB Swings (RX-53/35, L2-35/26, L1-26/18) 15 Box Jumps...

75 and 30
Strength/Skill: Cleans WOD: For Time: 75 Double Unders (L2-35DU, L1-100 Singles) 30 KB Swings (RX-53/35, L2-35/26, L1-26/18) 75...

Let's Go
Strength/Skill: Thrusters WOD: 12 Minute Amrap 5 HSPU (L2-Pike, L1-Push Ups) 7 Power Cleans (RX-155/105, L2-115/75, L1-75/35) 9...

New Cycle Starts
Strength/Skill: Snatch WOD: 5 Rounds For Time 8 STO (RX-135/95, L2-95/65, L1-65/35) 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (RX-24/20, L2-20/16,...

Rest Day
Take a rest day

Free Community Workout
Come see what CrossFit Forney is all about with our FREE Community Workout held every other Saturday at 10:00 am. This class will...

16.5 Repeat
Strength/Skill: Clean & Jerks WOD: For Time: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Thrusters (RX-95/65, L2-65/45, L1-45/25) Bar Facing Burpees Just...

Come & Swing It
Strength/Skill: Skills WOD: For Time 50 KB Swings (RX-53/35, L2-35/26, L1-26/18) 50 Box Jumps (RX-24/20, L2-20/16, L1-16/12) Run...

Team WOD
Strength/Skill: Pull Ups WOD: Teams of 2 WOD 5 Rounds For Time 9 Shoulder To Overhead (RX-135/85, L2-95/65, L1-65/35) 12 Front...

Flower Triple 10
Strength/Skill: Squats WOD: Amrap 12 10 Snatch Deadlifts (RX-95/65, L2-65/45, L1-45/25) 10 Hang Power Snatches (RX-95/65,...